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Shin-ichi Morita(Asscociate Prof.)

盛田伸一 (准教授)東北大学

IGPAS and JSPS..., we are accepting international students, for details:

【to contact】shinichi.morita.c6[AT]
Please change [AT] to @

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MEMBERS (researchers / grad. students)

Mohamed Mubark

Jianhai He 何 健海

Ali Bahadur (for JSPS postdoc.)

Hua Yu 余 華

Ziteng Wang 王 梓騰

                         東北大盛田研TohokuU Morita


Our class at a glance


Here, in this laboratory, we focus on bio-Raman research (research on live cells using Raman microscopes). Also, we are interested in analytical chemistry to science.

Recently it became possible to measure Raman spectra of a single live cell using a standard Raman microscope. Bio-molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, etc., that is, atoms combined with electrons, vibrate with different wavenumbers. These oscillators interact with the light, and are detected as Raman scattering. Using Raman signals, we are capable of, for instance, analyzing the distribution of bio-molecules. Also, many killer applications were opened. It is however difficult to distinguish the Raman bands of similar molecules. Raman analysis, therefore, is ambiguous and complicated. Plus, bio-Raman data is extremely large.

【Disentangling of Complicated Large Data】 is of our interest, in this respect. For instance, Raman spectral data of live cells is complicated and large, especially when we observe the time intervals of cellular differentiation (typically several days). It is almost impossible to understand those data in an intuitive manner. Spectral analysis is, therefore, essential to extract and visualize intrinsic information. We have developed mathematically analytical methods compatible to bio-Raman research.

【Use of Raman-Tagged Small Molecules】 is another promising approach of purifying our scientific interest. Let us assume that we introduce large fluorescent chromophores as markers to small molecules such as lipids and some of nucleic acids. Far from giving original properties, target small molecules are perturbed by larger labels. Therefore, dot-like Raman probes such as alkyne-tags are expected to be effective markers even for small molecules. We are interested in developing Raman tags, for instance, utilizing the resonance Raman effect to enhance the brightness of molecular emissions. We are also interested in developing Raman markers sensitive to surrounding environments.

【Development of a Bio-Raman Microscope】, we are trying
this mainly in order to monitor the dynamics of cellular differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis. To do so, living cells have to be incubated on the microscope stage for several days; plus, the positions of moving cells have to be confirmed continuously. Using the bio-Raman microscope, it is possible to define cellular states in a non-destructive and non-labeling manner. Based on the information of cellular conditions, we are expecting to control cellular destinies. Raman monitoring is probably effective for tissue engineering.

Recent Publications:

​盛田伸一, 氷上で人や物が滑る理由, ぶんせき, 印刷中

​盛田伸一, 電気化学センサーの表面改質による重金属イオン検出の高感度化, ぶんせき, 2025, 5, 169

S. E. El-Zohary, T. Alharby, H. S. El-Desoky, S. Morita, M. M. Abdel-Galeil

"Development of rapid, highly selective spectrophotometric method for the detection of trace amounts of /nitroxoline in tablet, and human serum"
Proc. SPIE,
13487, Optics and Photonics International Congress 2024, 1348707 (31 Dec. 2024);


S. Morita, M. M. Abdel-Galeil, J. He, K. Ohashi, Y. Umeda, S. Yamaguchi

"Bio-Raman Spectral Analysis of Living Cells"

Proc. SPIE 13487, Optics and Photonics International Congress 2024, 1348706 (31 Dec. 2024);

M. M. Abdel Galeil, R. E. El Shater, A. W. Awad, H. H. El-Bahnasawy, T. M. Meaz, E. A. Okba, S. Morita

"Synthesis of as-prepared and sintered spinel ferrites containing cadmium, copper, and chromium expecting magnetism and photoluminescence", Materials Letters, 2024, 364, 136371

M. M. Abdel Galeil, H. S. El-Desoky, M. El-Attar, S. Morita

"Fabrication of Mesoporous Carbon with Larger Surface Area to Realize Sensitive Electrochemical Sensing and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring", Chem. Lett., 2024, 53, 4, upad038

K. Ban, D. Miyata, Y. Matsumoto, S. Tahara, H. Takahashi, S. Morita, T. Nakabayashi

"Visualization of the sequence of changes in the full wavenumber range by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy", Chem. Phys. Lett., 2023, 833, 16, 140930

J. He, K. Suzuta, M. Nemoto, M. M. Abdel Galeila, L. Ito, S. Morita

"Principal component analysis for the protein amide I region of Raman imaging data before / after straight perm of human grey hair", Proc. SPIE, 2023, 12608, 126080F

R. E. El Shater, A. W. Awad, H. H. El-Bahnasawy, T. M. Meaz, E. A. Okba, M. M. Abdel Galeil, S. Morita

"Synthesis of as-prepared and sintered spinel ferri]tes containing cadmium, cupper, and chromium expecting magnetism and photoluminescence", Proc. SPIE, 2023, 12606, 1260606

J. He, K. Kobayashi, M. Nemoto, M. M. Abdel Galeil, K. Suzuta, L. Ito, S. Morita

"Realization of bio-Raman black hair analysis by automatic signal separation of melanin from other hair components", Proc. SPIE, 2023, 12608, 126080G

J. He, M. M. Abdel-Galeil, M. Nemoto, N. Kishimoto, and S. Morita

"Bio-Raman non-negative matrix factorization: its practical methodology", Applied Physics Express (APEX), 2023,

16, 026502.


“スペクトル解析によるバイオ・ラマンデータの化学種の成分分離に向けて”,月刊「細胞」2022, 54 (13), 774-777(総説) 


H. Yu, Z. Wang, M. Nemoto, K. Suzuta, L. Ito, S. Morita

"Graphical interpretation of non-negative factorization expecting bio-Raman research", Applied Physics Express (APEX), 2021, 14, 086501.

Z. Wang, M. He, W. I. Sari, N. Kishimoto, S. Morita

"Bio-Raman research using principal component analysis and non-negative matrix factorization on rice grains: detections of ordered and disordered states of starch in the cooking process", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2021, 60, 060903.


D. Miyata, T. Nakabayashi, S. Morita

"Automatic Determination of the Sequential Order of Dynamic Data and Its Application to Vibrational Spectroscopy", ACS J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2020, 60, 5070-5079.  10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00627

A. F. Ujuagu, Z. Wang, S. Morita

"Automatic Background Removal and Correction of Systematic Error Caused by Noise Expecting Bio-Raman Big Data Analysis"

Anal. Sci., 2020, 36(5), 511.

HOT article awarded:


M. He, D. Miyata, T. Nakabayashi, S. Morita

"Practical Computation of FFT based Generalized Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy"

Anal. Sci., 2020, 36(7), 885.

A. F. Ujuagu, M. Furuta, T. Nakabayashi , L. Ito, S. Morita

"Automatic removal of binary background components expecting Raman big data and its application to human hair imaging"

Applied Physics Express (APEX), 2020, 13, 036501.

◾S. Morita, T. Itoh (Review, Invited)



化学工業 2019, 70 (4), 267-272.

◾D. Miyata, T. Nakabayashi, S. Morita (Review, Refereed)

宮田大輔, 中林孝和, 盛田伸一


レーザー研究 2019-02, 47 (2), 85-88.

◾T. Sugawara, T. Nakabayashi, S. Morita

"Generalized Two-dimensional Correlation Analysis for Unimodal Waveforms Modeled by Quadratic Polynomials"

Anal Sci. 2018, 34 (7), 845-847.

◾T. Sugawara, Q. Yang, T. Nakabayashi, S. Morita

"A Proposal for Automated Background Removal of Bio-Raman Data"

Anal Sci. 2017, 33 (12), 1323-1325.

◾S. Takanezawa, S. Morita, Y. Ozaki, Y. Sako
"Raman Spectral Dynamics of Single Cells in the Early Stages of Growth Factor Stimulation"

Biophysical Journal, 2015, 108 (9), 2148-2157.

◾S. Morita, S. Takanezawa, M. Hiroshima, T. Mitsui, Y. Ozaki, Y. Sako
"Raman and Autofluorescence Spectrum Dynamics along the HRG-induced Differentiation Pathway of MCF-7 Cells"
Biophysical Journal, 2014, 107,  2221–2229.



shinichi.morita.c6[AT]   Please change [AT] to @

【スペクトルデータを紐解く】 現在,生細胞の局所のラマンスペクトルを計測できるようになっています(経験的には,532・785nm等の励起光で数十秒露光).タンパク質,核酸,脂質等の分子は,様々な振動数で連成振動しています.これらの振動子は光と相互作用し,ラマン散乱光として検出できる場合があります.これを応用すると生体分子の細胞内分布について「ありのまま」分析できます.しかし,類似構造を持つ分子を区別しにくいという点で,分析が曖昧・複雑となり問題でした.また,バイオ・ラマンデータは多様で大量です.そこで,私たちは複雑で膨大なデータを「解析的に紐解く」方法を作ろうとしています

【小分子ラマンタグを開発する】 バイオ・ラマン研究に,アルキンタグ等「ラマンプローブ」という新しい概念・潮流がでてきました.ご存知のように,蛍光色素で標識すれば分子種を区別できますが,小分子(核酸の一部,脂質等)に対して大きな蛍光標識を導入すると,標的分子は本来の振る舞いを失い問題です.この解決のため,理研の袖岡らはアルキン(R-C≡C-R’)に基づくラマン散乱光で小分子を標識(タグ)し,生細胞研究に応用しました.私たちは,共鳴ラマン効果で信号強度を増強する等の工夫をして,現状よりずっと明るいラマンタグ,あるいは「微視環境に敏感に応答する」ラマンタグを開発します

【バイオ・ラマン顕微鏡を開発する】 生細胞が増殖・アポトーシス・分化する様子をラマン顕微鏡で観察できるようにします.そのためには,顕微鏡ステージで細胞を1週間くらい飼い続け,数十個の細胞をひとつひとつ見失わないように,ラマン計測する必要があります.取得したラマンスペクトルは大量で複雑で直感的にほとんど何も分かりません.そこで計測したラマンデータをその場で細胞の相図(状態図)として視覚化できるようにします.バイオ・ラマン顕微鏡を開発すると,生細胞の内部状態を「壊さず」規定できます.ラマンで細胞の運命を予測・誘導できるようにします(再生医療への展開

〒980-8578 宮城県仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6-3

東北大学大学院理学研究科 化学専攻 分析化学研究室(盛田研)


TEL&FAX: 022-795-6563   

MAIL: shinichi.morita.c6【AT】



1990年~2002年 高等部から博士課程修了まで,一貫して12年間,関西学院大学にお世話になりました

2002年 博士(理学)の学位取得

2002年~ 日本学術振興会特別研究員(桐蔭横浜大学工学部)

2005年~ リサーチアソシエート(University of Georgia 化学科)

2007年~ 基礎科学特別研究員など(理化学研究所)を経て

2013年12月~ 准教授・現職(東北大学大学院理学研究科)

 【論文】 これまで:~50報,着任後について左を参照してください

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